Thursday, January 14, 2010

A couple Salgueiro vids

A couple videos from Salgueiro... more to come if I can ever figure out how to post portrait-format videos to Youtube.

Passistas... check out their cute choreography halfway through the video.

Next video shows some alas dancing by. The second ala that comes by, the one doing the fancy choreography, is the guys who were all painted in black paint (and wearing nothing but teeny loincloths!) at the Sambodromo rehearsal on Sunday. The Sambodromo crowd went nuts.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger sambagata said...

awesome! the girl in the first one is so funny. She's determined to do her own thing! I've never seen choreography in a passista ala except in learning situations away from the bateria. Interesting. The ala that was before the hot guys ala must've been the ala gay. I was a little confused at first because the hot guys ala had a leader guy sambando like a girl, so I thought it was part of the ala gay, but as it went on, I saw that it's obviously the ala you were talking about in the other blog entry!

At 1:34 AM, Blogger ktehada said...

Can't thank you enough for getting these videos. A bunch of the Vamola crew got to watch these and the additional ones on a big screen at a party. We were amazed and cheered mightily for the awesome samba.


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